Has anyone read a #romance with two or more of these tropes in it?
💗 #EmotionalTrauma and (come to think of it) a sub-plot dash of mental illness
💗 #SecondChance but subverted
💗 #SecretBaby that never existed
I'm brand new to the amazing world of romance writing. Heck, I'm brand new to any kind of novel writing!
This week I learnt about #Querying and writing the best possible #QueryLetter.
One element I would like to include in my query letters (once I have a finished manuscript of course 🥺) is 'Comparative Titles'.
So I'm all ears to all of you beautiful romance writers and readers out there in Insta-land.
What titles come to mind when you read these tropes?
I've been searching, but I can't find anything?
My plan is to read any potential comparative titles, so I'm 100% clear what I'm submitting on my query letter.
Ooooooh is #RelapseRecoveryRomance a trope?
Just thinking about this more I think Elizabeth Gilbert's 'Eat Pray Love' might just be in the running. I'm mean, there was a baby that never existed, and Elizabeth remained divorced from her Hubby, so that's a definite #nosecondchances